Saturday was unlike any other Saturday in my life. I woke around 6:00 am, w/ the intention of getting to the Farmer’s Market downtown to be set-up by 7:45 am to open at 8:00. I knew what I had to do, but I wasn’t sure how much time it would take. I had to pot a couple smaller pecan sapplings, b/c only one survived from the day before’s transplanting. The peaches are resilient, but three of the four 2′ pecan sapplings lost a lot of their soil when they were extracted. I found a couple on the other side of the house, and used a spade to dig them up. I mixed some of the potting-soil w/ the ground-soil and some city compost – they’re still thriving. Then I watered them in and tied some of them to sticks w/ trash-bag ties. The major challenge is ensuring that they can stay alive in the heat – which is brutal all over the world. We’re trying to help customers by giving them as much of head-start in taking care of the sapplings as possible. Although this is a terrible time to plant, it’s never too early to start thinking about next season.