Evan Dunn

I'm just a kid from Norman Oklahoma who's obsessed w/ maximizing human potential, and preempting the problems caused by the modern world. I self-handicapped until the pain that I was causing myself was so great that I had to design a new type of furniture to solve the problems: I call them "uThrones". By stabilizing the body and slowing the rhythm of our breath & movements, we allow more of the inner-sensations to be registered, synthesized, and then integrated. Knowledge, ideas, physical spaces, people sound waves, light photons, etc. -- it all comes together in the awareness of the ever-present 'Now'. That's what builds greater focus. That's what's empowering. That's what allows for us to actualize & test these ideas. Even if we only improve by one percent, that's perfect. Why is that acceptable? B/c in the beginning it will be the most difficult to be patient, but it's by denying ourselves if U become better aligned, U awaken the body's synergistic design. If even one sector becomes more balanced, everything benefits. We all have the same basic DNA design that allows us to all heal more, hurt less, focus more, and to do so by slowing down the speed at which we move & breathe., The better we use our skeletal-muscular systems, the better we share the force of gravity. Keeping and maintaining our bodies to be as healthy & productive is as important as its ever been, perhaps more so now b/c we have the added burden of technology. uThrones is the furniture for this philosophical approach to breathing & movement. The body has 'centers' in the hands, the feet, the neck, the chest, all over, and when they're aligned the self-generated liberation can commence. That may read a little meta-physical, but it's a natural reaction to the utilization of the body's innate dimensions for maximizing it's force to live. It can be done, they've helped me stay alive and I have a rare form of brain cancer. So if they can do that for me, they must be able to help U some. Thanks, Ev

The Jordan Generation of Posture & its effects

Michael Jordan has had a profound effect on recent American culture.  It’s impossible to measure, but one indicator of his permeation is, when trying to describe the ‘best’ anything:  surgeon, engineer, accountant, etc. one would say, he/she was the ‘Michael Jordan’ of Surgery, Engineering, Accounting, etc.  Millions of people were dazzled by what he had …

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‘Hunch-backing’ is something that we all do from time-to-time, and that’s good, the body needs to be hunched sometimes.  However, if it becomes the default posture for a person during their development years, the consequences can be severe. Lordosis, Kyphosis & the more famous of the triplets, Scoliosis can all be caused, and worsened by …

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